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Credentials and EducationI am a professional coach and have a certificate in personal development coaching from The CAPP Institute. I am currently working towards my International Coaching Federation Certification to deepen my experience and knowledge. I have a Master of the Arts degree in Organizational Leadership with a Servant Leadership Concentration from Gonzaga University and 10 years of active duty military experience as a Navy Pilot.
Who do you coach?My coaching portfolio is diverse! I have coached a lot of individuals with military ties: veterans, active duty members, spouses, and older dependents. I have coached people seeking higher education, those making a career transition, entrepreneurs, primary parents, and care givers. I have also coached people who are trying to make lifestyle changes within their homes, and work lives, that include seeking better organizational habits, time management improvement, financial freedom, and daily mindfulness improvement. I'm sure you will fit right into the mix.
What are some of your clients' biggest takeaways?So many success stories to share! Everyone has walked away with confidence in the areas they were seeking coaching. Clarity is another main takeaway. Clients have said they see their path now like they never have before be it a path to higher education, training/credentialing for a career enhancement, or effective time management. Another one is what I call "the coaching ah-ha moment." This happens a lot. A client will come in initially seeking coaching in one area then realize there is a deeper question they need clarity around and the next thing they know they are seeing more and more possibilities in their lives they hadn't noticed before.
Is there a quiz I can take to know if coaching is right for me?There are several actually but the one I like the most is from Authentic Empowerment. Take a few moments to answer these ten questions and see what your score reveals about your readiness for coaching. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate each of the following statements: 1=Don't agree 5=Somewhat agree 10=Strongly agree (if not applicable score the question 5) I want to create more balance in my life between the demands of work, family and time out for myself. I see possibility for greater success and happiness by improving my personal and business relationships. I know within myself that there is untapped potential to make real and positive changes in my life. I want to clarify my personal values and live my true purpose in life with contentment. I would like to examine my habits and beliefs and learn what is serving me and what I need to let go of. I am ready to step up to the challenge of honest and confronting conversations. I see room for bringing more fun and enjoyment into my life. I would like greater clarity, direction and focus. I am ready to create plans and take massive action to achieve my goals. I can benefit from a professional who will help me stay on track and hold me accountable. TOTAL YOUR SCORE Under 30 Professional and Personal Life Coaching is not for you right now. Perhaps you'd like to explore the blog and articles for anything of interest that may resonate with you. 31 to 60 Professional and Personal Life Coaching could help you to look at your life from a different angle as well as help you develop a plan of action to create your desired change. However, if you decide to work with a life coach now, you should decide to commit that you will take the necessary action for your benefit, or you will not make lasting life changing improvements. Over 60 Congratulations! You are ready for Professional and Personal Coaching, you are willing to do what it takes to design your life. You have demonstrated that you have the commitment and the drive therefore you will see truly measurable results. Let's begin - Click here to get started NOW with a free trial session!
How can I contact you?Hop on over to the contact page and submit a contact form! I would love to connect with you to answer any more questions you may have and to schedule your Free Meet & Greet. You may also call me at +1-321-392-0606. My office hours are M - F 9:00AM to 4:00PM EST. I can flex my hours some for clients around the world so do not feel that you are hampered by your time zone, we'll make it work!
How is coaching different from counseling?Coaching focuses on where you are presently and where you are headed, with a goal of helping you gain clarity about your vision, eliminate obstacles to your success, accelerate the pace of personal growth and achieve results that empower you to live your best life – professionally and personally. We can focus on any area of your life: relationships, finances, spiritual life, work and business, or physical health and environments. While coaching is forward-focused, counseling tends to deal more with past issues in which you may find yourself stuck and struggling. We may occasionally discuss something that has occurred in the past, for the purpose of clarifying the present, but your coaching will not focus on resolving the past. A simple rule of thumb to know whether you should be seeking coaching or counseling is: If your past is an issue, counseling is your best option. If your past is simply a fact (regardless of whether the circumstances were difficult or negative), you are probably ready for coaching.
How is coaching different from mentoring?As a coach, I focus on the development of people in general, and the development of your unique path in a particular area of your life. A mentor guides you towards a specific path of development. I am more interested in helping you onto the unique path meant for you which may be quite different then the path I have taken, even though the purpose of our paths may be very similar. My job as your coach is not to tell you what to do, but rather to help you uncover the answers that lie within you. Consider me a catalyst for your success.
How is coaching different from consultingA coach focuses on helping you walk your unique path to success. As the client, you are responsible for the results you receive as a result of coaching. I help you discover how to become more of who you need to be to achieve those results and identify what you may need to do differently. A consultant takes responsibility for a specific project, acting as a specialist, providing specific deliverables and knowledge. I believe in your ability to fully experience your potential and will provide a safe, consistent space for you to develop your potential.
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