This has been a day a year in the making. I started this journey in Okianwa, Japan with a one-month-old and a very basic workbook. Flash forward to now, in Alexandria, VA with a one-year-old and this eye catching paperback. People ask me about the timing often. From the outside looking in, I sounded like a crazy person. "Sure I can write this book as a first time mom planning my international move and job hunting. No problem." I was that duck on life's pond. Grace and beauty on top of the water, fierce paddling against the current beneath the surface. Not a day passed that I didn't wonder if I'd possibly bitten off more than I could chew.
That's life though right? There never really is a "perfect" time or season for anything. I could have pushed the book down the road until we got settled here in VA, until we had Emma in daycare, until we had family nearby to help, until...until...until... But by then the inspiration could have passed, the window of opportunity with the publisher could have closed, the village of friends willing to help with anything at the drop of a hat so I could write would have been gone. Then I would be here, without a book, wondering when the perfect time would come.

It was hard and it was worth every minute of hard for this unboxing day. There are 146 printed copies of MY BOOk on MY TABLE! It is truly a beautiful site. I was never on this journey alone. Each of those books will be signed and given to someone who has supported me from the day I said "I have this crazy idea guys." Since those initial supporters joined in, 54 people have purchased the book on Amazon bringing the number to a round 200 copies sold. The book has also been #1 New Release on Amazon in two categories: Behavioral Psychology and Practice Management. These accolades were dreams, ones I honestly felt were a bit out of reach, and now they are reality.
Let's keep the momentum going! Send this blog link to 7 people you know. Don't stress over sending it to "the right" people...Everyone goes through change so everyone could use this book.
I currently have an article series going on here on my blog to dive deeper into the book. In this article series, I share excerpts, insights and stories from my book, All About Change: How to Successfully Make Personal Life Changes. I hope you enjoyed this post — if you enjoyed it and want to connect you can reach me here via email sarah@inwiththenewyou.com or connect with me on social: Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. Also, you can also find my book on Amazon — here is the link to buy it: Amazon Kindle
